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A Big Accident Occurred In The Communications Industry

Views: 9     Author: Curry     Publish Time: 2024-07-18      Origin: Site

On July 15, AT&T, a giant US mobile communications network operator, disclosed that due to a hacker attack, the data of almost all its users (including its existing network users and mobile virtual operator users) was stolen. AT&T announced that the results of the investigation showed that hackers illegally downloaded data from AT&T's workspace on the third-party cloud platform "Snowflake", but "Snowflake" denied this statement. The company's chief information and security officer said that no evidence was found to show that the theft of all AT&T user data was caused by vulnerabilities, misconfiguration or intrusions in the "Snowflake" cloud platform.

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The data stolen from AT&T included call and text messages for up to six months from almost all mobile users. AT&T said that after discovering that hackers had attacked and stolen all the above data, it launched an investigation and hired leading cybersecurity experts to understand the scope of the attack. AT&T also said that it has taken measures to shut down illegal access points, is cooperating with the Federal Communications Commission and federal police, and has learned that at least one suspect has been arrested.


This is the second major cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed by AT&T in 2024, resulting in the leakage of data of nearly 70% of users.



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